
Dot Business Card Review - Sollten Sie eine Dot Card erhalten?

Have you ever heard of a Dot Business Card? It’s the modern take on traditional business cards, and it is taking networking to the next level. In this blog, we will cover what dot business cards are, why they are great, the benefits of having one, how to get your hands on one and alternatives to Dot. Let’s dive in!

What are Dot Business Cards?

Dot business cards are an efficient digital way to network in today’s tech-driven world. They provide an online profile that serves as a modern substitute for traditional business cards, allowing you to easily share your contact information, such as phone number or email address, company name and logo, job title, website URL, and social media links.

With dot business cards, you can accessorize your profile with images and videos to create a more engaging experience for those who view it. The best part is that they can be shared in just a few clicks via text message or email–making networking faster and easier than ever.

Checkout my article about Digitale Visitenkarten & How to Choose a modern NFC / Digital / Electronic Business Card thats right for you.


Modern networking device to promoting yourself or your business.

Dot Cards are small devices or cards that can be attached to your phone, laptop, or any other surface & when someone scans your dot card with their phone camera or with NFC technology, they will be directed to your personalized digital business card. This way, you can share your contact information, social media links, portfolio, or anything else you want to showcase.

– Customizable and easy to set up.

– Choose from different colors and designs for your dot card, and edit your digital business card anytime through the Dot Profile app.

-You can also add a QR code or NFC chip to your dot card for faster scanning.

– They are convenient and environmentally friendly. You don’t have to carry around paper business cards anymore, or worry about running out of them.

-You can also update your information anytime without having to print new cards. Dot business cards help you save money and reduce paper waste.

– They are versatile and compatible. You can use your dot card for any purpose, whether it’s personal or professional. You can also share your digital business card with anyone who has a smartphone, regardless of their operating system or app preferences.

Whats So Good About Dot Cards?

Dot business cards are great because they make it easy for people to learn more about you in just a few clicks. Your dot card can include additional information such as professional certifications or awards that set you apart from others in your field. Plus, if you’re looking to grow your network or promote yourself professionally, having a dot business card gives potential clients and employers the chance to learn more about you without having to search around for more information on their own.

What Are The Benefits of Having a Dot Business Card?

The biggest benefit of having a dot business card is its convenience; it can be accessed anywhere at any time with just a few clicks! Additionally, it saves time by eliminating the need for traditional paper-based networking tactics such as exchanging physical business cards with people at events or conferences. Plus, since all of your contact information is housed in one place (your dot card), there’s no risk of misplacing important contacts like phone numbers or emails when networking with multiple people at once—something that often happens when using paper-based methods.

Standard benefits:

  • Easily update your dot business card with new information or images/videos.
  • Keep track of all the contacts you meet in one place.
  • Dot business cards are convenient and environmentally friendly.
  • Dot cards eliminate the need for paper business cards and can be easily shared with others without wasting any resources.
  • Save your time and money from printing and updating your paper business cards whenever your contact information changes.
  • You can keep track of your contacts and organize them in your Dot Profile.
  • See who scanned your Dot card, when they scanned it, and where they scanned it.
  • You can add notes and reminders to each contact to follow up with them later.

Emotional Benefits:

  • Make a great first impression on potential employers and clients.
  • Feel more confident networking in an increasingly digital world.
  • Stand out from the crowd and make a lasting impression on others. With Dot business cards, you can showcase your personality and professionalism in a unique and modern way.

How to Get a Dot Business Card?

Getting a dot business card is easy! All you need to do is visit the official website of the company and create your profile. Once done, you’ll be able to customize your card with images, videos and other information that showcases who you are and what makes you unique.

You can buy here on the Dot website


1. Order your Dot card online and choose from different colors and designs.

2. Once you receive your Dot card, scan it with your smartphone and create your Dot Profile (your account).

3. Personalize the look of your digital business card and add all of your contact information, such as your name, phone number, email address, social media links, website, and more.

You can also add a photo or a logo to your digital business card to make it more memorable and professional. You can also customize the background color and the font style of your card.

How Much Do Dot Business Cards Cost?

Dot Cards Range from $20 for the cards and phone dots to $75 for multipacks.

There are also custom options available from $55

How Do I Set Up My Dot Card?

The steps required to set up a Dot business card are outlined on their website.

– To scan a Dot card, you need to have a smartphone with a camera and an internet connection. You don’t need to download any app or software to scan a Dot card.

– To scan a Dot card, simply open your camera app and point it at the Dot card. A link will pop up on your screen that will take you to the digital business card of the person who gave you the Dot card.

– To share your Dot card with someone else, you can either give them your physical Dot card or send them a link to your digital business card via text, email, or social media.

Dot Card Alternatives

There are many digital business cards available and many offer similar and in some cases better features than Dot.

Check out my overall digital business cards review where I do into a few alternatives in depth as well as my Popl review und V1ce Card review.

Dot is a good choice however I also highly recommend Popl or V1ce. In fact here are my top 3 choices below:

1st Pick

Popl-Visitenkarten bieten im Vergleich zu Dot mehr Funktionen, z. B. die Möglichkeit, sie mit Videos, Musik, Lebensläufen und Portfolios anzupassen. Popl bietet auch Zugang zu Analysen und Einblicken in Ihre Scans. Allerdings sind Popl-Visitenkarten teurer als Dot. Popl-Visitenkarten sind außerdem stärker gebrandet und auffällig, während Dot-Karten minimalistisch und diskret sind.

2nd Pick

With its stunning designs and superior materials it’s a must-have for anyone who values both style and substance. The metal card looks great!
You don’t need an app or subscription to use your V1CE card so that makes the initial price more bearable.They ship anywhere and have a 30 day money back guarantee so I would recommend you try one for yourself

3rd Pick

Dot-Visitenkarten sind günstiger als Popl. Dot bietet auch eine kostenlose App, mit der Sie ein digitales Profil erstellen können, ohne ein Gerät kaufen zu müssen. Dot-Visitenkarten sind minimalistischer und diskreter, was einige Leute ansprechen könnte, die einen schlichteren Look bevorzugen. Außerdem sind die Dot-Karten etwas kompatibler, wenn Sie ein älteres Telefon haben.


Dot business cards are changing the way we network by making it easier for us to share our contact information with others quickly and seamlessly. Whether you’re looking to grow your professional network or promote yourself professionally, getting a dot business card is a must! Not only does it save time but it also helps build credibility by allowing potential clients and employers to learn more about you instantly—all within just one click! So what are you waiting for? Get yourself a dot business card or one of the many other digital business cards available today!

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