
Побочный заработок на искусственном интеллекте

Are you looking to make some extra money outside of your primary job? If so, AI side hustles may be exactly what you need.

AI tools and services can provide a range of profitable opportunities for business owners, freelancers and entrepreneurs alike. From creating content to developing AI-powered products, there are plenty of ways to make money with AI.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the best AI side hustles available today, as well as provide tips on getting started. So if you’re ready to make some extra cash with AI, let’s get started!

What is an AI Side Hustle?

An AI side hustle is a venture you can do on the side, outside of your main job (or even as a full time job) that leverages machine learning and AI services to generate additional income while staying ahead of the curve in the AI landscape.

With many businesses increasingly seeking AI-driven solutions to improve efficiency and effectiveness, there is a growing demand for individuals with AI skills.

By capitalizing on this demand, individuals can develop their skills and generate additional income through freelancing platforms or direct outreach and leveraging new technologies. AI is making having a profitable side hustle much more easier an accessible.

How to Get Started

Getting started with an AI side hustle requires some basic knowledge of machine learning and AI services. There are several online courses available that can help individuals develop the necessary skills. But you can also find a lot of free indormation on youtube and in blogs such as ours. You can use free tools like chatgpt to get started and as its free you can just start with very little knowledge.

Below is a list of the best AI Side Husles:

Best Side Hustles:

AI Blogging

You can make money blogging about a variety of topics without ever having to reveal your identity – just like a faceless YouTube channel!

By leveraging AI-powered tools, you can save time and craft structured content that will have your readers coming back for more. AI-driven posts are a great way to make extra income while honing your skills in the AI landscape.

AI tools can help with post development, editing, and optimization, so you can focus on the creative aspects of blogging. From informative listicles to captivating visuals and art, you can use AI to deliver content that is tailored to your target audience.

AI writing software can also help generate content faster and more accurately, so you have more time to focus on other tasks. AI blogging can be a lucrative side hustle if you have the right tools and dedication to make it work for you.

Faceless YouTube Channel

Unlock a world of captivating visuals and art with a faceless YouTube channel. Let AI video editing software create professional-looking videos without ever having to appear on camera.

With a faceless YouTube channel, you can use AI-generated content to create informative listicles, animated explainer videos, AI-generated music, and captivating visuals and art. Plus, you can use an AI avatar generator to create a consistent brand image without ever having to reveal your identity.

With the power of AI, you can take your faceless YouTube channel to the next level. AI video editing software can help you craft professional-looking videos with ease. AI avatar generators can create a consistent brand image and a recognizable presence.

Ideas for your channel include informative listicles, animated explainer videos, AI-generated music, and captivating visuals and art. AI-powered tools can help you with post development, editing, and optimization. AI writing software can also generate detailed outlines and content.

So what are you waiting for? Unlock the power of AI and start your faceless YouTube channel today!

Run AI Ads

AI can help you run more effective and efficient online advertising campaigns. AI can analyze your target audience, optimize your ad copy and design, test different variations, and adjust your bids and budgets in real time. AI can also help you track and measure your ad performance and ROI.

Some of the tools that you can use to run AI ads include:

  • Google Ads: Google’s advertising platform that uses AI to deliver relevant ads across Google Search, YouTube, Gmail, and other websites and apps.
  • Facebook Ads: Facebook’s advertising platform that uses AI to deliver personalized ads across Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, WhatsApp, and other platforms.
  • Microsoft Advertising: Microsoft’s advertising platform that uses AI to deliver ads across Bing, MSN,, Skype, and other Microsoft properties.
  • Copilot: Microsoft’s new AI-powered tool that helps you create and optimize documents, emails, presentations, and more for your online business.

Online Courses

Make extra income teaching and sharing knowledge with AI-driven online courses! With AI tools, you can streamline the course creation process and cater to your target audience’s needs. You can generate detailed outlines and content with AI writing software.

AI tools and software can help you quickly create and publish compelling online courses with necessary materials and resources. AI writing software can generate outlines, content, and scripts with minimal effort, saving you time and energy. With AI-driven software, you can quickly create engaging and informative courses tailored to your target audience.

AI-powered tools can also help you monitor and analyze the success of your courses, enabling you to make informed decisions on how to improve them. AI-powered software can also help you develop and deliver interactive and engaging quizzes and assessments to test your students’ understanding of the material.

Some of the tools that you can use to create online courses with AI include:

  • Teachable: A platform that lets you create and sell online courses with no coding required. Teachable uses AI to help you optimize your course landing pages, pricing, marketing, and analytics.
  • Udemy: A marketplace that lets you create and sell online courses on various topics. Udemy uses AI to help you match your course with the right learners, recommend courses to learners based on their interests and goals, and provide insights on how to improve your course quality and engagement.
  • Coursera: A platform that offers online courses from top universities and organizations. Coursera uses AI to help you create high-quality courses with interactive elements, provide personalized feedback and guidance to learners, and certify learners’ skills and achievements.

With AI-assisted online courses, you can make extra income teaching and sharing your knowledge.

Tweet Writing

Earn extra cash by crafting tweets for creators and businesses with AI-powered tools. These tools automate ready-to-publish tweets tailored to their niche and target audience. Tweet writing is a profitable side hustle that can save time and money while generating a steady stream of income.

AI-powered tools can help you with the following:

  • Craft well-structured tweets
  • Schedule and automate posts
  • Monitor performance

With these tools, you can generate engaging tweet ideas, tailor tweets to the client’s niche and target audience, and ensure every tweet is high-quality and error-free.

In addition, you can create content around specific problems where an AI-powered tool can provide a solution and attract potential customers. By offering personalized services, you can build trust with your audience and increase your earnings.

Some of the tools that you can use to offer ghostwriting services on Twitter with AI include:

  • Jarvis: An AI-powered writing assistant that helps you write better content faster. Jarvis can help you write tweets that get more likes, retweets, comments, and followers.
  • Copy.a:i create tweets based on keywords, topics, or prompts
  • Hootsuite: A social media management platform that helps you manage multiple Twitter accounts from one dashboard. Hootsuite uses AI to help you find the best times to post tweets,
  • Tweethunter: Analyze your client’s audience and optimize your tweets for engagement and conversions.

So, if you’re looking for a lucrative side hustle, tweet writing with AI-powered tools is definitely worth considering!

Sell AI Prompts

Selling AI prompts tailored to specific niches: If you are good at coming up with creative and original ideas for content, you can use AI to help you generate prompts for different niches. You can use tools like or Writesonic to create prompts based on keywords, genres, or formats. You can then sell your prompts to other writers, bloggers, marketers, or educators who need inspiration for their content.

AI Consulting

Consulting with AI is a great way to unlock the door to a whole new world of opportunities and open up a money-making avenue.

If you have technical expertise in AI software or an understanding of how AI benefits businesses, then consulting with AI is a great side hustle for you.

You can help businesses implement AI solutions for improved efficiency and effectiveness, which can save them time and money while improving customer satisfaction.

You can also offer customized consulting services to businesses to help them make the most of AI technology. With AI consulting, you can help businesses identify opportunities and challenges, develop strategies, and implement solutions that are tailored to their unique needs.

You can also help them identify the best AI tools and services for their business and stay up-to-date on the latest AI technology.

With the right skills and knowledge, AI consulting can be a lucrative side hustle for you.

Lucrative Benefits

Discovering the lucrative benefits of AI consulting can help you make a meaningful impact while earning extra income. AI consulting is a great side hustle for those with technical expertise in AI software or understanding of how AI benefits businesses.

It allows you to help businesses implement AI solutions for improved efficiency and effectiveness. Here are some of the most lucrative benefits of AI consulting:

  • Identify and capitalize on opportunities to create AI-driven solutions
  • Help businesses use AI to automate mundane tasks and increase efficiency
  • Provide valuable insights and recommendations to businesses based on data analysis
  • Generate income while sharpening your skills in the AI landscape by creating and deploying AI-driven products and services.

Chatbot Development

By developing chatbots, you can provide businesses with automated customer service and support, saving them time and money while increasing customer satisfaction. With AI chatbot development, you can create a side hustle that can generate a stream of income and sharpen your skills in the AI landscape.

You’ll be able to offer services such as:

  • Automating customer service and support: Developing AI chatbots to answer customer inquiries, provide customer support, and complete transactions. Creating AI chatbots with natural language processing (NLP) capabilities to understand customer queries and provide personalized responses.
  • Automating mundane tasks: Automating data entry, scheduling, and email management tasks. Developing AI-powered tools for content creation, social media analysis, financial analysis, and event planning.
  • Offering AI-based services: Offering AI consulting services to help businesses and individuals make the most of AI technology. Selling AI prompts tailored to specific niches to help businesses and individuals save time and improve quality of AI-generated content.

With AI chatbot development, you can create a side hustle that can generate a stream of income and sharpen your skills in the AI landscape. By offering services such as automating customer service and support, automating mundane tasks, and offering AI-based services, you can help businesses make the most of AI technology and generate a steady income.

Data Analysis

You can leverage your AI knowledge to analyze data, providing businesses with valuable insights and recommendations to help them make informed decisions and improve performance.

With AI data analysis, you can develop strategies and solutions to help businesses gain a competitive edge. You’ll be in charge of collecting, organizing, and interpreting data to uncover trends and correlations.

This data can then be used to develop predictive models and suggest solutions. AI data analysis is a great side hustle if you have the technical expertise and knowledge of how AI can be used to benefit businesses.

You can offer your services on freelancing platforms, or you can build your own website and market your services with digital marketing techniques. With AI data analysis, you can help businesses gain a better understanding of their customers, optimize their processes, and make better decisions.

Leverage Time-saving Tools

With AI-powered tools, you can save time and maximize your side hustle earnings.

AI tools can help you with post development, editing, and optimization when it comes to blogging. They can also assist with video editing, music generation, and creating captivating visuals/art for faceless YouTube channels.

AI-powered copywriting software can generate detailed outlines and content for online courses. Additionally, a Tweet Generator tool can automate ready-to-publish tweets tailored to your niche and target audience.

AI-powered chatbot development can help you create chatbots for businesses to automate customer service and support. AI data analysis tools can help you analyze data and provide insights and recommendations for businesses.

AI-powered tools can even automate mundane tasks like data entry, scheduling, and email management. They can also help you create logos, websites, and show notes for podcasts.

With AI-powered tools, you can save time and maximize your side hustle earnings.

Create Professional Videos

Unlock your creative potential and produce professional-looking videos with AI video editing software. This will make your side business stand out. With AI video editing software, creating stunning videos has never been easier. You can choose from a variety of features, such as motion tracking, object removal, color correction, and more.

With AI video editing software, you can create professional-looking videos quickly and effortlessly. Additionally, you can use AI video editing tools to generate captivating visuals and art for your videos. By using AI avatar generators, you can create a consistent brand image without revealing your identity.

AI video editing software will help you create videos that look and sound professional, regardless of your budget or experience. With AI video editing tools, you can quickly create videos that stand out from the crowd and help your side business make money.

You don’t have to be a tech guru to create professional-looking videos for your business – AI video editing software makes it easier than ever to turn your dreams into reality!

With AI video editing, you can achieve the following:

  • Create captivating visuals and art that grab attention
  • Generate informative listicles and animated explainer videos
  • Automate music creation to add extra depth to your videos

Using AI video editing tools can give you a competitive edge and help you make memorable videos that stand out from the crowd.

You can use tools like Lumen5 or InVideo to create videos from text, images, or audio. You can also use tools like Descript or Headliner to transcribe, edit, and caption your videos using AI.

With the right AI video editor, you can create stunning visuals and cinematic experiences without any prior technical experience. Plus, you’ll have access to a wide range of AI-generated effects and features that can help you produce professional-looking videos.

Engaging Tweets

Take your business to the next level with AI-powered tweeting – craft engaging tweets and get ahead of the competition!

AI-powered tweet writing is an effective side hustle that can help you generate extra income. With the right tool, you can create well-structured tweets in a fraction of the time, saving you time and money.

The Tweet Generator tool automates the process and produces ready-to-publish tweets tailored to your client’s niche and target audience. It helps you generate engaging tweet ideas, craft well-structured tweets, schedule and automate posting, and monitor performance.

With this tool, you can save time and money while delivering high quality tweets to your clients.

AI Web Design Services

If you have a flair for web design, you can use AI to help you create stunning and functional websites for your clients. You can use tools like Wix ADI or Bookmark to create websites from scratch using AI.

You can also use tools like B12 or Uizard to convert sketches or wireframes into websites using AI.

Freelance Writing

If you have a skill for writing compelling and informative articles, you can use AI to help you write faster and better. You can use tools like or Rytr to write content based on keywords, topics, or outlines. You can also use tools like Grammarly or ProWritingAid to check and improve your writing using AI.

Starting an AI voice generation service

If you have a voice that people love to listen to, you can use AI to help you create realistic and natural-sounding voiceovers for your clients. You can use tools like Speechelo or Synthesia to generate voiceovers from text using AI. You can also use tools like or VoiceBunny to create custom voices using AI.

Starting a resume writing service

If you have a knack for writing resumes that get results, you can use AI to help you write resumes for your clients. You can use tools like or Resumonk to create resumes from templates using AI. You can also use tools like Jobscan or SkillSyncer to optimize your resumes for specific jobs using AI.

AI Solutions

Discover the power of AI solutions and unlock the potential of your business – no matter the size – to stand out from the competition and get ahead of the game.

AI solutions provide efficiency and effectiveness, helping businesses optimize operations and make informed decisions based on data analysis. With AI-driven solutions, businesses can automate mundane tasks like data entry, scheduling, and email management, while leveraging AI-powered tools for content creation, social media analysis, financial analysis, and event planning.

AI solutions can also help businesses improve their customer service and support by creating engaging chatbots. AI-powered tools can also be used for SEO services to help businesses improve their online visibility and achieve better search engine rankings.

AI solutions can be the key to success for businesses of all sizes, unlocking potential and providing the competitive edge needed to stay ahead of the competition.

Brand Image

Leverage AI to create a consistent brand image without revealing your identity and make a lasting impression on your customers.

AI avatar generators, voiceover tools, and video editing software can help you create professional-looking visuals and audio without having to show your face. Use AI to create an avatar that matches your brand’s identity and presence, making it easier to build an authentic relationship with your customers.

AI-generated music, captivating visuals, and animated explainer videos can further enhance your brand’s image. Additionally, AI-powered tools can help you optimize and edit content to ensure a cohesive, high-quality brand image.

By leveraging AI for your brand image, you can make a lasting impression on customers and create a consistent presence without revealing your identity.

Informative Listicles

Gain an edge over the competition with informative listicles, crafted using AI-powered tools to save time and provide well-structured content. AI tools can help you conveniently create engaging listicles on any subject or topic.

Here are a few advantages of using AI-powered listicles:

  1. AI tools automatically generate ideas for listicles, helping you to save time on brainstorming and research.
  2. AI-driven listicles are written in a structured format with clear headings to make them easier to read and understand.
  3. AI-generated listicles are optimized for search engines, helping you to gain more visibility and reach a wider audience.

You can use AI-powered tools to generate content for your listicles and to optimize and edit them for accuracy and clarity. With AI-powered listicles, you can save time, improve the quality of your content, and reach a larger audience.

Music and Visuals

Unlock a new world of creativity with AI-powered music and visuals, allowing you to ‘rock out’ and captivate your audience with mesmerizing art and sounds. AI-powered music generators like Google Magenta, Jukedeck, and Amper Music can help you create professional-sounding music for your videos and podcasts. AI-powered visual art generators like Dreamscope and DeepDream Generator can help you create unique and captivating visuals for your projects.

Google MagentaDreamscope
JukedeckDeepDream Generator
Amper Music

You can use AI to help you create original and unique music tracks. You can use tools like Amper Music or AIVA to generate music based on mood, genre, or style. You can also use tools like Landr or eMastered to master your music using AI.

Knowledge Sharing

Share your knowledge and start making money with AI-powered side hustles by leveraging new technology and tools. AI side hustles are a great way to make extra income and sharpen your skills in the AI landscape.

One popular way to make money with AI is to create and sell online courses. AI tools can streamline the course creation process and cater to the needs of a target audience. Writing AI-powered content can also be a lucrative side hustle. AI-generated posts can save time while providing well-structured content.

AI-powered tools can help with post development, editing, and optimization. Furthermore, AI-powered voiceover tools can help individuals create voiceovers for videos and podcasts. AI-powered video editing tools can help create professional-looking videos. AI-powered image editing tools can help enhance images and remove backgrounds.

AI-powered tools can also be used for language translation, event planning, and SEO services. By leveraging the power of AI, you can start or grow a business and share your knowledge with a wide audience.

AI-driven Solutions

You can take advantage of AI-driven solutions to boost your income and hone your skills in the AI space.

From using AI tools and products to generate income, to leveraging new technology for tasks and projects, there are many ways to maximize your AI side hustle.

AI-driven solutions allow for businesses to become more efficient and effective, and for individuals to sharpen their skills in the AI landscape. AI-driven solutions can come in the form of AI-powered tools for content creation, social media analysis, financial analysis, event planning and more.

AI can also be used for tasks such as video editing, music generation, web design, language translation, and more. Developing an AI-driven solution can help you create a profitable side hustle and set you up for success.

Whether it’s AI blogging, faceless YouTube channels, online courses, tweet writing, AI consulting, chatbot development, or data analysis, there are plenty of opportunities to make money and sharpen your skills in the AI space.

Informed Decisions

With AI-driven solutions, businesses can make informed decisions and improve performance, while individuals can make money and sharpen their skills. In fact, AI-powered tools can save up to 60% of a business’s time and resources.

Businesses can benefit from AI-powered tools such as data analysis. This helps them identify trends, make informed decisions, and improve performance. AI-driven data analysis also enables businesses to automate mundane tasks like data entry and scheduling, as well as track customer engagement and website traffic. Furthermore, AI-powered tools can help with SEO efforts and content creation, helping businesses increase their online visibility and reach more customers.

Individuals can also benefit from AI-powered tools. They can help with various side hustles such as blogging, freelancing, and online courses. AI-generated posts and content can save time and provide well-structured content. AI-powered tools can help with post development, editing, and optimization. AI-powered video editing and logo design tools can help individuals create professional-looking videos and logos. AI-powered transcription and proofreading tools can help individuals transcribe audio and video content faster and improve their writing. AI-powered voiceover tools can help individuals create voiceovers for videos and podcasts, while AI-powered image editing tools can help individuals remove backgrounds from images and improve the quality of their images.

In addition, AI-powered chatbots can help businesses automate their customer support and sales processes. AI-powered social media management tools can help individuals manage their social media accounts.

Game-changing Niches

Discover how you can use AI to make a game-changing impact in specific niches and industries, and start earning extra income!

AI has revolutionized the way businesses operate and how individuals make money. With the right know-how and tools, you can identify niches and industries where AI can be a game-changer and develop AI prompts that cater to the specific needs of the target market. By offering AI consulting services and developing AI-powered tools, you can help businesses and individuals make the most of AI technology and maximize their potential.

You can also use AI for video editing tasks, music generation, web design, language translation, and more to create unique and engaging content that caters to your target audience. By developing AI-powered tools for content creation, social media analysis, financial analysis, and event planning, you can help businesses and individuals save time and improve their quality of work.

Additionally, you can offer copywriting services and hone your skills with advanced software to generate more income. With a bit of creativity, you can use AI to create a successful and profitable side hustle.


So, what are you waiting for? With an AI side hustle, you can earn a decent living with minimal effort. Well at least in an easier way than was previously possible.

From creating content and providing AI-driven solutions to businesses, to consulting and knowledge sharing, the possibilities are endless.

So grab your laptop and get ready to start making some serious cash. Who knows, you might even make enough money to buy your own AI-powered robot!

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